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The Purpose of This Ministry

The purpose of this ministry is to help those who are searching for answers to questions that come from the difficulties in life that we face on a daily basis.  We will seek those answers in God's Word - The Bible.  Our desire is to help everyone who may be searching for a deep, personal and intimate relationship with Jesus to find and grow in it.  We also will strive to help you to find strength to stand in the face of opposition from a self-centered culture that relegates a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ to the level of an optional accessory instead of a necessary prerequisite for entry into Heaven.

** PLEASE NOTE: This website is still under construction and will remain so for some period of time into the future. While most of the features on the website are fully functional, some may not yet be but will be so in the near future. In order to get all of the information available on this website into the public at the earliest possible date, we decided to go ahead and publish the website. We will continue to update the website and add features as quickly as possible. Please bear with us and continue to lift our ministry and the outreach of this website up in prayer. We thank you in advance for your time, consideration and patience. **

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